Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Oh, J., Zhou, Z. Kang, D., & Ki, E.-J. (accepted). Enhancing relationships through 60-sec videos: An analysis of relationship cultivation strategies on TikTok. Corporate Communications: an International Journal.
Khang, H., Ki, E.-J., Zhou, Z., & Kang, D. (2024). Scale development practices in the communication disciplines: Current status and recommendations for future. Advances in Journalism and Communication. 12(4).
Ki, E. -J., Jang, J. & Kang. D. (2024). Evaluating mobile mental health apps using the Mobile Application Rating Scale (MARS) in the U.S. Advances in Mental Health.
Lee, J. & Kang. D. (2024). The interplay of virtual reality and narrative story in disaster journalism through empathy, transportation, and identification. Telematics and Informatics, 102121
Kang, D. & Ki, E. -J. (2024). COVID-19 Vaccine reviews on YouTube: What do they say? Communications.
Kang, D. & Ki, E. -J. (2024). Relationship cultivation strategies in the metaverse. Public Relations Review, 50(1), 102397.
Lee, J., Kang, D., Lee., H. Y., & Kim, J. W. (2023). Effects of peer vs. professional-generated correction tweet and argument strength on health misinformation credibility. Health Education Journal, 00178969231210215.
Lee, J, Kang, D., & Kim, J. (2023). The auxiliary role of virtual reality in enhancing the effects of disaster news on empathy and fear: The mediating role of presence. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 26(4), 273-278.
Ki, E.-J., Kang, D., & Huang, M. (2022). The state of health public relations: A content analysis of published articles in seven communication journals from 2001 to 2021. Public Relations Review, 48(5), 102255.
Conference Presentations
Oh, J., Zhou, Z., Kang, D., & Ki, E. -J., (August 2024) Enhancing Relationships through 60-Sec Videos: An Analysis of Relationship Cultivation Strategies on TikTok. The paper was presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Public Relations Division.
Khang, H., Ki, E.-J., Zhou, Z., & Kang, D. (June 2024). Scale development practices in the communication disciplines: Current status and recommendations for future. The paper was presented at the International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA).
Lee, J. & Kang. D. (June 2024). The interplay of virtual reality and narrative story in disaster journalism through empathy, transportation, and identification. The paper will be presented at the International Communication Association (ICA).
Kang, D. & Ki, E.-J. (August 2023). Organization – public relationship cultivation strategies in the metaverse. The paper was presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Public Relations Division.
Chakraborty, A. R., Kang, D., & Franco, C. L. (November 2022). Gain frame, loss frame, and message objectives among university-based mental health campaigns: A PSA content analysis. The paper was presented at the National Communication Association (NCA).
Kang, D. & Ki, E.-J. (August 2022). The role of diversity climate in higher education in attitude and behavior intention: The mediation effect of organization-public relationship. The paper was presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Public Relations Division.
Ki, E.-J., Kang, D. & Hwang, M. (May 2022). The status of health public relations: A content analysis of published articles in seven public relations journals from 2001 to 2021. The paper was presented at the International Communication Association (ICA), Public Relations Division
Kang, D. & Ki, E.-J. (August 2021). COVID-19 vaccine reviews on YouTube: What do they say? The paper was presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Communicating Science, Health, Environment, and Risk Division (ComSHER). Transited to Virtual Conference